Understanding the quantity of food you are consuming can be a crucial step to making progress with weight loss and often "Tracking" and "Calculating" your calorie intake is a great way to build awareness for yourself in both the short and long term.
For a detailed guide to calorie counting enrol yourself on my 6 week Nutrition Foundations Programme and work through the process with me week by week on demand in your own time. I share Weekly Video Tutorials, Articles & eBooks to help you as best as I can.
Just want a calorie target?
Below is a link to my recommended online calculator, its FREE....
- Calorie tracking and targets are estimates only (we can never be 100%)
- Building a basic knowledge of how much food you need for your body type and individual goals is the key to long term success.
- Track your intake DAILY and WEEKLY to notice trends and easily make changes if you aren't seeing the results you desire
Any questions let me know frank@fitwithfrank.co.uk
your Personal Trainer